Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 49 C.F.R. 26.45 that the Kings County Area Public Transit Agency, (KCAPTA) has proposed a Project Specific Goal for the construction of the KART Transit Center. The Project Goal is 1.8% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises participating in U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA) assisted KART Transit Center Construction Project
The proposed goal and its rational are available for public inspection during normal business hours at KCAPTA Administrative Office through March 2, 2023. KCAPTA Administrative Office is located at 610 W 7th Street, Hanford, CA 93230. KCAPTA will accept public comment on the proposed goal through March 2, 2023. Comments may be delivered or mailed to: KCAPTA 610 W 7th Street, Hanford, CA 93230; or Karin Vosgueritchian, Regional Civil Rights Officer, FTA Region IX, 90 7th Street, Suite 15-300 San Francisco, CA 94103-6701 Comments will also be accepted via e-mail to: angie.dow@co.kings.ca.us
Environmental Review Documents
Kings County Area Public Transit Agency (KCAPTA) is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed project identified. KCAPTA has prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration to determine the environmental effects fo the proposed project and finds the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate level of CEQA environmental review.
Appendix A1 Project Plan 2019-05-13 Modified Layout
Appendix A2 Preliminary Title Reports
Appendix B KART Site Selection Study
Appendix C1 Informational Meeting Notice
Appendix C2 Publication Affidavit and Tear Sheet
Appendix C4 Informational Meeting Powerpoint Presentation
Appendix C5 Information Meeting Sign-in Sheets
Appendix C6 Informational Meeting Blank Comment Card
Appendix C7 Informational Meeting Minutes
Appendix C8 Photos from Informational Meeting
Appendix D Air Quality GHG Analysis
Appendix E Biological Resources Records Search
Appendix F KART Cultural Report
Appendix G Geotech Feasibility Report
Appendix H Paleo Records Search